
Festival Go vélo Montréal 2025

May 25 to June 1, 2025
Cycling is your passion, and you want to share it with hundreds, even thousands of other people who are as passionate as you are? Let our bicycle touring events tempt you! Each year, many families introduce their children to cycling during the Petite Aventure, while the expert riders get together to travel around Quebec during the Grand Tour. Summer events not to be missed!


2 days

1 night

Choose the package that's right for you

Tour de l'Île de Montréal

📅 1 night May 31

Package including event ticket.

Hotel of your choice when booking*.


Tour la Nuit

📅 1 night May 30

Package including event ticket.

Hotel of your choice when booking*.


Tour la Nuit + Tour de l'Île de Montréal

📅 2 nights from May 30 to June 1

Package including tickets for both events.

Hotel of your choice when booking*.

Tour la Nuit + Tour de l'Île de Montréal

📅 3 nights from May 30 to June 2

Package including tickets for both events.

Hotel of your choice when booking*.

*Hotels available for packages :

Hotel Universel (accommodation registration # 554466)

Hotel 10 (accommodation registration # 208961)

Auberge de La Fontaine (Lodging Registration # 507931)

Discover our events

Regular route: approx. 24 km

Regular route: approx. 50 km
Short route: approx. 28 km

Feeling nostalgic?

Watch a video of the 2022 Tour de l'Île de Montréal. Good memories to look forward to at the next Go vélo Montréal Festival!